I would check your ATA first, and compare that to the tune chart for the cam you want to use, if you are say 1/4 short on the ATA, then you may end up with 1/4" shorter on all cables/string, but perhaps not depending on the limb preload. You won't have the issues I had with alignment and spacing, so it should be an easy swap, and you can also change the feel of the cam by going with an under rotated cam (short string) and long module position or a fully rotated cam (normal string length) and short module position. They ship in the D position, and I have ended up in the C position (for draw), and it lost some of the hump feel towards the end, but overall the feel is nice.
I have found that with my #5 cam, the feel of the cam is quite different as you from position B through to E. If your limbs are too stiff, you run the risk possibly over stressing them, or ending up with a force-draw curve that is light at the start and heavy at the end with a big hump. There are some lists of limb deflection vs bow model and year over on the Archerytalk forum. But I've fitted 2011 Hoyt GTX cams onto a Merlin XT and they seem okay, a close enough match to the limbs for me and I dare say you will have an easier time given that your limbs will be in the same ballpark. I am sure that Hoyt would say you can't do it. So without a limb change you might be better off with an E cam in the E-F module position, but that's just a guess. Looking at the tune charts, your ATA should be at 37 7/8 on the B-2 cam instead of 38 1/4 for a 2006 F cam, but remember that as the poundage goes up, the amount of cable wound in is likely to go up a little along with the string wound out. It's worth noting on later cams Hoyt have dropped position A and G so probably consider the extremes of the adjust to take the cams out of their best usable range.
2000 hoyt tune charts mod#
You've gone from a B-2 cam to an F cam, should go from 27" on mod position D (28" on F) to 31" on mod position D with 30" on position B and 32" on position F.
2000 hoyt tune charts plus#
Then in 2005 they go to the letter only on the cam, but it's still Cam and half plus but there are some small changes I assume due to slightly different limb position. Have you looked through the Hoyt tune charts for string lengths?Ī quick look at a 2003 Protec with XT2000 limbs shows the string lengths you described for a B-2 cam/module. If you wanted to know the string length, then that is what you should have asked for!